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Manchester Velodrome

Manchester to invest in Velodrome to preserve city’s sporting reputation

The refurbishment will focus on making the venue more energy efficient by reducing the buildings carbon footprint, supporting Manchester’s aim of becoming a zero-carbon city by 2038 at the latest.


Manchester City Council is to borrow £20.5m to fund the majority of the project, which aims to extend the lifespan of the National Cycling Centre by 25 years. Work to refurbish the 130,000 sq ft building will begin after the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics and will focus on making the venue more energy efficient by reducing the buildings carbon footprint, supporting Manchester’s aim of becoming a zero-carbon city by 2038 at the latest.

The £26m scheme includes work to refurbish changing rooms, and the installation of air-source heat pumps to replace the gas boilers. The velodrome’s energy systems, lighting, roof, water supply, scoreboard and timing systems will all be upgraded.

In July 2011, our team completed a £24m expansion to the Velodrome with the launch of the new purpose-built indoor BMX complex. It houses the UK’s only permanent indoor BMX track with seating for two thousand fans. The complex also includes purpose-built offices for British Cycling, the governing body for cycling in Britain.

Neil Adshead Project Director said:
“ The latest investment ensures Manchester can continue to provide a vital facility catering for all riders from novices right through to some of the world’s greatest and I am personally delighted to once again be part of the team to secure its long term future”.

Brian Facer, chief executive of British Cycling, said:
“Without the National Cycling Centre, we would not have been able to produce riders of the calibre of Sir Chris Hoy and Dame Sarah Storey.

“This investment will mean Manchester can continue to lead the way for the rest of the country by providing a vital facility where some of the world’s greatest riders can be supported by a fantastic team to achieve their best.”


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