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#ToBerlinandBack charity step challenge

Our next charity challenge starts in just a couple of days!


Throughout November our team will be working together to reach the goal of 2000 miles (4 million steps) travelling between all our design studios from our HQ in Warrington to Liverpool, Manchester, London and Berlin and back on foot.

All donations raised will be going to the Open Door Charity. The Open Door Centre is run using charity funding and donations from the public. The centre provides creative therapeutic support for young people between 15-30 suffering with mental health issues. They offer numerous different activities within music and the arts, unique training and volunteering opportunities and much more with no membership fees and no waiting lists. They describe themselves as “The charity by young people, for young people.”

The team will share updates on the milestones reached during the challenge on our social media platforms. We are looking forward to visiting some iconic buildings and picturesque settings!

Make a Donation
All donations large or small are hugely appreciated.



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